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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Enjoy the Summer but be Safe!

Summer is now upon us and many of you will be enjoying the great outdoors with your families. I want as many of you as possible to be physically active. Run, cycle, blade, hike, golf or camp. What I would like to tell you is that you must beware when enjoying the outdoors.

Besides the concerns of mosquitoes there are also two other concerns that I want to share with you. The first are ticks. Some of these nasty ticks can carry Lyme disease. This is caused by the bite of an infected tick. It was once thought that we did not have the species of ticks that carry this disease in this part of Southern Ontario. Limehouse resident Keith Poullos found a such tick recently on his dog. Keith, himself has suffered Lyme disease for a number of years proving that these little buggers do exist in our midst.

The symptoms of Lyme disease can be extensive and that is partly why physicians have a lot of trouble detecting and diagnosing the disease. Early symptoms can, but not always, include any of the following:

-flu like symptoms
-sore muscles and aches
-sore joints
-headaches and stiff neck

Please check out the Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation web-site at www.canlyme.org. It is invaluable if you suspect Lyme disease and are looking for educated help.

We owe Keith Poullos alot as he has contracted the disease and has been a strong advocate to assist others as well as making many of us aware that these ticks do exist in our neck of the woods.

Also there is a weed in the rural area called the "Giant Hogweed". This is a rather tall plant that should be avoided at all costs. The sap from this weed tends to burn the skin and leaves a sore. Not treated, this can lead to skin cancer. It is unlikely that you will see this weed on trails but you will see them near farms and open spaces.

In Halton Hills and Canada we have lots of activities one can do outdoors. Just be cautious and protect yourself and your family.

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