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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Goderich Tornado Serves as a Wakeup Call

Have you ever thought of a Tornado coming to your Town? I am sure that like most communities in Ontario we think that it can never happen to us.

I remember the day the cluster of Tornadoes hit Arthur, Grand Valley, the Orangeville Race Track and later devastated Barrie. It was such a humid day you couldn't breath. I was working at my travel agency in Acton at the time and I remember going outside and the sky was black, I was dripping with perspiration yet there was a breeze. I came into the office and told my empoyees that we could get a tornado. Immediately they scoffed replying we don't get tornadoes here. One hour later Barrie was devastated and I believe 8 people perished. Probably the worst tornado in Ontario's history.

In 1979 Woodstock was also hit with a Tornado as was Perth in 1995. The reality is Ontario gets has many as 15 - 20 tornadoes a year. Most are in the F0 to F1 category so their damage is limited.

Could one come to Halton Hills? You betcha, last year it was thought that a Tornado it downtown Milton but it was later confirmed as a wind burst which did considerable damage to the down town.

Our Fire Emergency Services had a Tornado simulation exercise earlier this year. I can tell you that as much as you can never be fully prepared for a tornado the Town does have a plan for such an emergency. Let’s hope we never have one and give our thoughts and support for Goderich as they have been devastated.

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