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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Parents Make Sure Your Kids Are Safe At College

As a former College instructor I have seen a lot of College Students in my time getting excited this time of year. Many are moving out of the house for the first time in their lives and are moving into residence at College or University or a rental unit nearby. Believe me, in my 13 years as a College Instructor at Humber College of Arts I have seen it all. I have seen students come in to my 8am classes in their house coats. I seen some under the influence show up to class or hung over. Some were just dog tired from studying all night. So nothing surprises me and it shouldn't surprise parents. What is important is that parents need to have a serious conversation with their kids about being fire safe and good safety practices. It should be an exciting time for students and it should not be marred by a tragedy.

It is important to find a safe rental home. Tell your kids to be an attentive cooker. Never leave cooking unattended. It is so easy to be sidetracked while talking on the telephone, watching television or texting their friends.

Drink responsibly. Alcohol is a common denominator in many fire fatalities involving smoking and cooking. There have been many cases of people being half in the bag and they decide to fry something up and then pass out. This has happened too many times leaving a unnecessary fatality.

Inspect any potential rental to make sure the smoke alarms are working. This is the law. Never tamper or disable a smoke alarm. This could save your child's life. Know where they are going to exit if does goes off and make sure the path is clear. Also keep towels, paper and things that burn away from heat sources such as stove burners, portable heaters and appliances.

These are just a few common sense safety tips that will keep our young citizens and students a bit safer from the dangers of fire. Whether your kids are returning to school or just starting out for the first time, have a frank discussion about fire safety as this could make a difference. Believe me, I know how a lot of kids behave when they are away from home.

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